in color amentans meet hazel
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"I guess we'll talk about that. I'd miss my little brother. Also I'd have to import all my everything for wands and potions."


Nod. "Uh, why are you two dating?"


"...what do you mean? We like each other. I dunno how Amentans pick people to date if it's not, uh, copying their alts or going out to have anonymous sex with people from the Internet."


"They usually try to be attracted to them."


"Well, I wouldn't've listed 'ginger' as a thing I wanted but I've got used to it. He's very tall. Human girls like it when boys are tall."


Aitim drops it.


Oh good.


They reach Amenta and are ushered into five-hour showers.


"Are you sure I can't just Scourgify myself and have done."


"That's probably good enough but no one who'd know even knows what it is. There's a television, you can watch Amentan dramas and take cultural notes or something, it's not that bad."


"I can't take notes in the shower! Bleah." She goes in. She watches Amentan TV.


The TV defaults to instructions for decontamination but can be prodded into showing sports, news, or sitcoms.


She does require the instructions in a couple places but mostly wants to watch the news.


Another Marslike planet has been found and there is discussion of who gets it! Credit auction will open this week, prices are projected to be about thirty percent lower than they were before planets! There's a lot of debate over people marrying non-Anitami spouses and having Anitami kids, something that non-Anitami spouses are apparently willing to drop millions to accomplish! A famous actress died. 


Once it gets repetitive she switches to a sitcom. (Scrub. Scrub. Soap. Rinse. Scrub.)


After the factory where they make candlesticks closes, our plucky band of protagonists move to the coast and try to start their dream business: a fried fish restaurant. Shenanigans ensue. 


Are there any other sitcoms.


Medical drama? Police procedural? HIstorical?


Historical! She has so much ritual shower time to kill.


Some people have conquered most of Anitam (the narrative doesn't specify who; probably doesn't think it needs to) and this yellow family is trying to keep their heads down, except for a devastated woman forced to have an abortion at eight months pregnant, who is leaking select communications of conquering blues in an effort to get them executed by their own government. She's particularly targeting pregnant ones.


Wow. Medical drama next.


Patients present with mysterious illnesses and the clever doctors figure out what's going on.


That one is tolerable enough to continue watching for two episodes and then she just turns on music for the rest of it. Walks into the drying chamber, dries herself with her wand rather than sit through that part, robes up, steps out, starts braiding.


Aitim looks cheerfuller. "Meeting's tomorrow. I booked you a hotel room."


"Thanks." She zaps him with a braid.

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