in color amentans meet hazel
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He gets another message. He reads it.


He puts his phone away again. "Do you think that your boss could reschedule so I don't miss the birth of my son?"


"Kuai's already fetching him. Are you aware everything you come up with to say sounds made up?"


"I was concerned it might take a few iterations of erasing all our memories and realizing that we had all the same information the next day before it seemed plausible that we were really storing so much externally. Or has it taken a few such iterations? For whatever it's worth, you are just as unbelievable to us."


"Wasn't here yesterday. Took a while for someone to notice the rabbit missing and get him."


"Is it illegal under your law to forcefeed people drugs and rape them, or just to get noticed at it?"


"We don't bother legislating Muggle rights."


"That seems hard on wizards."


"How d'you figure?"


"We execute people for that kind of thing. Now, most people don't run into any trouble with that, because they're used to not getting away with any such thing. But wherever there's a population whose government didn't do much law enforcement, they don't even think much of it, they might not even realize that their targets will be inclined to prosecute them, and so it's an unpleasant surprise when they find themselves in front of a court for it."


"Doesn't come up much."


"It seems like it might come up more and more as enforcement gets more comprehensive. But perhaps word will spread as quickly as enforcement capacity."


"Rabbit guy made a stir."


"I am glad to hear it, though I hope we haven't just incentivized rapists to go after humans instead."


"They don't cause this much trouble and they don't remember it anyway."


"They are Anitami citizens entitled to the protection of our justice system and as soon as it is feasible the law will be enforced for them also."




"I don't think wizards will have much trouble finding consenting partners, if that's not objectionable for some reason."


"This isn't my hobby personally, I don't know what the deal is."


Aitim contemplatively drinks his raspberry lemonade. "I think wizards are mistaken that it's less traumatic if you don't remember it. The last woman to be kidnapped by a wizard was substantially more distressed by the mysterious pregnancy and months of amnesia than I think she would have been by the same events if she remembered them."


"Well, getting them pregnant is a terrible idea."


"Raping people and then causing them brain damage so they don't remember it seems like a bad idea whether or not they're on birth control, really, but there are certainly more pragmatic considerations in cases resulting in a child. Is that child going to have the abilities you people have?"


"Half-bloods mostly do."


"How confusing for the child. Maybe she will be a teacher and keep the children's attention with magic tricks."




"They went to Anitam so the father couldn't bother them again, which I think was very wise but will disrupt the child's magic education a little, since there are no magic people back home."

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