in color amentans meet hazel
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"Uh, Michael," he says from Aitim's house where he is listening, "do you think you should maybe do something about that."


"Office has those big windows -"


"Who placed the Jinx?" Minister Du asks.


Aitim turns to look back to the computer. "I can get surveillance footage of my house, if you'd like to have someone look through that for additional layers of wizard interference."


"Who was it?"


"I have no idea." And then he doesn't.


"- how did you first learn of wizards?"


"They visit a couple stores in a shopping mall here in Himlin, they're a bit conspicuous -" he got reports about people declining to pay, waving a stick, walking out, mistakes noticed at the end of the day when the storeowners did inventory and corroborated with the security cameras - he ordered more cameras installed and ordered more security... and there was Tahike Lam, vanished with a vague note, the police shook down the whole area and didn't find anything and she'd been tracked to a valley - he's not sure how she was tracked to the valley - and then returned four months late and pregnant, she was gay and didn't have a credit, it wouldn't have been voluntary...nothing causes four months of amnesia without serious attendant brain damage...


"There are wizards working with you. Who are they."


"I don't know."


"Under what circumstances would you work with wizards in a way that produces these results?"


If they were holding his family hostage and didn't have completely appalling goals he'd do what they wanted, and this is something someone could want for any number of reasons. If they were trying to help him figure out how to break wizards to Amenta in a way that kept both worlds safe, he'd be willing to do a lot to pull that off. If they were pretty bad wizards but protecting him from even worse wizards he would make some calculations and potentially work with that. "If they seemed to have a plan to make contact between wizards and Amentans constructive and non-catastrophic, or were good tools for me to use in coming up with such a plan, or were neutral on that front and threatening me in order to make me do things which were also neutral on that front."



Minister Du stares him down a bit longer, then scowls and Disapparates.


...Aitim goes home. "Undo that," he says to the empty room. 


Blink blink. "Where are my children -"


"The girls are upstairs. The new ones are on their way to the hospital, I think. Do you want us to take the girls -"


"Yes. And then be ready to intervene at the hospital -"


"We can't actually fight the Chinese Ministry and now that they know there're other people involved -"


Sigh. "Girls now, talk later?"


He goes upstairs and floats them out of their beds and invisibly out the window and down the hill and then crack.


"Didn't Elio have contacts in China -"


"Yep. Everywhere. I don't know his people in China, though - I don't even know their representative to the Ministry all that well, she's only here a month of the year -"

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