in color amentans meet hazel
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"The storage unit you might've noticed already, it can be seen in the night sky blinking and moving far too quickly to be a star. Our stores sell handheld devices that let anyone in the world access the information on that storage unit. When a customer attacked a shopkeeper, someone in a different building noticed that the live video of her store which he was watching had gone dark, requested assistance, and filed an incident report. In a different building, someone else filed an insurance claim for the damage to the cameras and attached the incident report. An electronic message went out to the judge's evidence team, notifying them that an arrest had been made in an assault and rape case and that the evidence associated with the case was attached. All of these messages are stored in the storage unit in the sky."


One chews his lip, looking at the ceiling.

"Thanks for letting us know, we'll make an extra stop," says the witch.


"I think if you could do that there'd be wizards on the Moon, and when we established operations on the Moon we did not notice any wizards."


"Might have to kick this up," wizard says to witch.

"Why are we talking in Anitami in front of him?" she asks in Cantonese.


Aitim sips his water. "If I wanted this secret to stop being a secret, I could have put the rabbit video online and two million people would have seen it by the next morning."


Wizards mutter to each other in Chinese.


"I haven't, and I'm not about to. I think it should be a secret. I think you need some help on our end to keep it one."


Chinese Chinese Chinese.


He speaks a little French and no other Earth languages. He drinks his water.


"Who told you? You seem to know more than that someone turned into a rabbit," says the witch.


"I know that there are people who come to our stores despite not having used any of our transportation to reach our city; I've been documenting them for months.I know that sometimes they don't pay, just wave their sticks and convince the shopkeeps that they paid. I know that they don't know each other personally, but tend to acknowledge each other as having something in common. There's a group, there's organization. The rapist said he had other legal obligations that competed with telling us where he got the drugs. You are a secret, and that implies there are laws about secrecy. You have mind-altering magic, with which I assume you try to enforce the secrecy when it fails. Given that much information, the obvious thing to do is to tell everyone I know to record their immediate environment at all times and have it uploaded live and then check it if you feel like you haven't accounted for all of your time. You didn't tell us, you just acted like our minds were the only thing that could contain evidence of your presence. For months. In a city of people who record everything."




He opens the refrigerator and gets a glass of raspberry lemonade.




The greys who were putting the girls down to bed come downstairs. "Uh -"

      "They're my guests. Would you head on over and return my mixing bowl to the neighbors, I borrowed it and forgot to give it back."

"...yes, sir."


He hands them a mixing bowl.


Chinese Chinese Chinese.


Greys leave (and hopefully call Kan). "Would either of you like raspberry lemonade?"


"If we send you our boss will he get a good reception?" asks the wizard.


"I would be delighted to have a meeting with your supervisor. In my office, which is across the street; I can point it out to you."


"What's wrong with here?" asks the witch.


"More people coming in and out, and I don't have some technologies that would make a conversation convenient."


"Technologies like what?"


"Large glass screens on which I can display things from the internet, most notably."


Chinese Chinese Chinese. The wizard spins in place and clonks his chin on a coffee table falling down.

"- why do you have an Anti-Apparition Jinx up here?" asks the witch.


"A what now?"


"Why can't he teleport."


" - if you can teleport why didn't the rapist fellow teleport?"

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