in color amentans meet hazel
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"Oh, so, someone slipped some kind of drug to the lady in the pet store, makes her crazy about him. Security notices that the cameras went out, calls it in, they arrest him, he's convicted of assault for drugging someone against their will and attempted rape for trying to take her home afterwards, and then he - you're going to think I'm crazy - he turns into a rabbit and leaps out a third-story window. They got it on video. So they're changing procedures. If people do something like that again they're going to strip them, give them new clothes for prison, and keep them in an airtight location until the execution."


"Won't they suffocate?"


Shrug. "I assume they have a plan for that. Suffocation's not an approved method of execution in Anitam."


"Maybe there should be signs up."


"...saying what?"


"Saying, uh, laws are enforced even if you can turn into a rabbit."


" - you think people won't know that?"


"...It might be good to have signs."


" - I guess we could have signs up."


They put signs up. The signs say 'courtesy notice to customers: Anitami laws enforced here even if you can turn into a rabbit'.


Some people frown thoughtfully at the signs.


Locals will talk loudly about the bizarre case of that rapist and the measures that are being taken to prevent repeats! 


"Honestly I'm not sure I'd mind weird love drugs, it sounds like it'd make for a really hot hookup."

    "Well, consensually, sure, that's totally legal."

"Oh, yeah, he'd better ask."


Nobody immediately takes them up on that.


As long as everyone is clear on the law applying to them. (He has the wand and other items destroyed.)


(There are ten people who are informed about wizards and a lot more who are cooperating with very careful instructions. He should not keep this from the council much longer but he wants to take them the reseasoning potion and some Mars plans if he can.)

This version seems to work but it still makes the weasels flop onto their backs and squirm and squeak at musical intervals, I'm not sure how much of a hurry you're in.

I may have to imply that Timothy did more preventing me from getting in touch with home than he did but I think it's worth waiting for better than that before we test it in Amentans

If we can't get it side effect free what kinds of side effects are okay?

Ones that aren't conspicuously magic would be better. Most things are probably better than a bad spring, honestly.

Okay, I'll try to avoid circling back to the 'fart purple glitter' thing they were doing for a while.

Sinkali and Nanha's due dates approach. They move into Himlin and hired purples disperse their belongings throughout the house next door to Kan and Aitim's and cut a hole in the fence between. They steal away the preexisting little ones for most of a weekend and hit a giant playground tower facility that's newly opened and a children's science museum and a stargazing outing that the kids are asleep on the way home from.


The girls are getting big enough it'd be a challenge for their parents to carry them off to bed but the bodyguards can do it. "Did they like the stars?"


"Notelle did. Alatana got bored of waiting for her eyes to adjust and wanted to play with her everything," says Sinkali.


Giggle. "Are you settled in all right?"


"Yes," says Sinkali.

"Except I think I might want to remodel the third floor bath, it's too small and frankly unaesthetic," says Nanha.


"We hired people to redo our offices into rooms for the girls," so that wizards wanting to bother Aitim would have no reason to end up on the same floor as the childrens' bedrooms, "they were timely and quiet and did a good job, I can forward you the company name."

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