in color amentans meet hazel
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"For security reasons we can't allow that."


He doesn't think of any new tactics in the next hour.


Then he gets walked to a courtroom. There's a judge. The judge would like to know whether he gave someone a drink that included some kind of intoxicant, without her knowledge.


"Of course not."


The judge would like to know whether he observed the victim in an impaired state, such as one consistent with having been illegally slipped some kind of intoxicant.


"She seemed fine."


Had the victim been interested in hooking up with him when they met in her shop earlier in the day?


"She was very professional at the time but I could tell she liked me."


Did he take a decontamination shower at any point today?


"Before I went shopping."


The judge reads over some notes on a computer for a few minutes. "I find the defendant guilty of aggravated assault for giving Sesan Imite an intoxicating drink without her knowledge or consent, and of attempted rape for subsequently attempting to have sex with her while she was impaired. Sesan Imite submits to this court as an aggravating consideration that she believes the defendant lied to her about having taken a decontamination shower, and as a mitigating consideration that, quote, 'honestly it wasn't traumatizing or anything, kind of flattering really'. With this in mind I sentence the defendant to sterilization and eight local years' imprisonment on the condition he cooperate fully with the police investigation into the incident, provide assistance in improving our ability to identify and respond to such misconduct, and satisfy his supervisory team that he is unlikely to reoffend. If you do not meet those conditions we will hang you," she says to the defendant very earnestly. "I also authorize this court to seize the defendant's assets for restitution, to be paid out in full to the victim."


He looks quite bewildered.


"Do you have questions for this court?"


"- can I have my possessions back now -"


"I ordered an asset seizure. They will be auctioned to compensate the victim of this crime."


"The things of no value, then."


"That's not how an asset seizure works."


"What kind of cooperation were you thinking about exactly?"


"Tell investigators how you sourced the intoxicant, maybe help them set up an arrest of your supplier if they see fit, describe anything you know about how it is made, how long it's shelf-stable, etcetera."


He is beginning to look distinctly nervous.


"Who did you purchase it from?"


"- I really can't -"


Raised eyebrow. "Why don't you take some time to think it over and come up with a way that you can."


"The guard asked me if I needed to make childcare arrangements and I said I needed my belongings to do that. I only need them a moment, you can auction them after."


"That's not possible for security reasons. They'll be happy to send someone to contact your family in person if they don't have email, phones, or a mailing address."

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