in color amentans meet hazel
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He has up 'missing person' posters identifying the area she was last found with a picture of the valley where they're holding her.


Well, this witch doesn't know anything about that. She just buys plants and leaves.


"Thank you for your business! Have a nice day."


If word of mouth will get a patron who knows the whereabouts of Tahike Lam it will not do so swiftly.


As long as wizards are occasionally interacting with Muggles who aren't smelly he'll consider it the groundwork for very slow progress.


Minor gets the house working with electricity and publishes his research in the November edition of the Theoretical Journal of Wards.


The edition is well-received. There is an uptick in visits to the electronics store.


"Did the November edition of that theoretical journal come out?" sales guy asks a human browsing flatscreen televisions.


"Yes!" says the wizard. "It was very helpful."


"...I'm glad. So this version has a higher frame rate - I can play you a few clips and you can tell if you'll notice the difference, some people do and some don't..."


"Please do."


Sales guy helps him compare televisions.


He picks one. "I'd like this delivered, since traveling too fast can damage electronics."


" really can't, we brought these from another planet and they travelled really, really, realy fast on the way here. But we offer delivery if you'd like."


"I heard that traveling too fast damages them."


"Yeah, the guy who said he was publishing something in the Theoretical Journal of Walls said that too but it's really not how electricity works at all. Where do you want it delivered -"


He gives an address on another continent.


They ship it. 


It is not returned having exploded!


Schools open for children with 'different learning needs'. The conquerors announce that they will be phasing in a ban on child labor, and introducing free breakfasts and lunches for children at the schools to make up for it.

They will also be beginning enforcement of a ban on beating your children. If you are found to have beaten a child, your children will be taken away from you. At this time, the law will be enforced only in the case of hurting children seriously enough that there is visible injury afterwards, though the conquerors really want everyone to stop hitting their kids at all.


"Huh, is there evidence it's bad for them?"


"I mean, I'm sure really hurting them is bad for them, swatting them can't be..."


"I don't think about it very much when I grab a baby away from something she can't have and smack her hand! They're going to kidnap millions of people's children because they didn't get used to parenting with aliens breathing down their necks!"


- hug - "they did say they were only making it illegal to actually beat them, I don't think it'd count that -"


"Wouldn't," said Timothy, reading the notice. "But still, it does seem awfully excessive."

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