in color amentans meet hazel
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She goes home with it and brings it back. "The exact same thing happened!"


...electronics staff is baffled. "Are you sure you're not, uh, dipping it in water, holding it right next to a powerful magnet, exposing it to extremely high temperatures or something..."


"No, I'm putting it in my pocket, going home, taking it out, and attempting to take a picture of my owl."


" - okay. Would you like us to have a technician accompany you home and see if they can figure out what's going on?"


"No, I can't have visitors."


"...all right. In that case I think we'll just issue you a refund. I'm so, so sorry for the inconvenience. I've never heard of anything like this before and we'll definitely have a research team take a look at it."


She sighs.


"Oh," says someone from across the room, "I think I know what's going on, I had a similar problem."


"I live in a geologically unusual area and it fries my electronics. I think she might live in a geologically unusual area too." Nod. He is not even trying at Muggle clothes.


"...Oh. So if I take it to a less geologically unusual area," she says, glancing at his robes, "and bring my owl there, I should be able to make it work?"


"Taking it there might be really inconvenient, I suspect travelling too fast with them causes the same kind of problem."

         "I have never heard of that," says the sales guy.

"But it works fine if it's not near any geological irregularities or brought there in irregular ways, yeah. We're having some people redo the walls of our house in case that helps."

         " - there's no way that would help."

"I've encountered this problem before, and you haven't."

        "...sure, sir."


"...what kind of redoing the walls is necessary exactly -"


"Assuming it works for us when it's done I'll get it published in The Theoretical Journal of, uh, walls. Since it's the walls that are the problem."

      The salesman whimpers.


"Which issue of the," sigh, "Theoretical Journal of Walls would this be -"


"Two hundred thirty third, the November one."


"Mm-hm, thank you."


"I'm sorry we couldn't be of more assistance," says the salesperson.


"It doesn't seem to be your problem, it's just my, ah, dratted walls."


" - yes, ma'am. You have a nice day."


She takes her refund and goes home.


Confused purples and the security Aitim arranged them continue to sell wood and plants and so on to anyone who asks. The sales guy takes to asking people with malfunctioning devices "do you live in a geologically unusual area? If so, electronics will explode on you. There's apparently a fix in the Theoretical Journal of Walls, November edition."


Customers with inexplicable device failures find this very helpful.


Sales guy confusedly does Internet searches for the Theoretical Journal of Walls and decides humans are just really weird.


Aitim asks Aaron to share the word with Swiss wizards.


Aaron doesn't know as many of those, but sure.


Eventually a Swiss witch goes to the store with the plants.

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