in color amentans meet hazel
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Blinking confused shopkeeper! 



The wizard explains that he paid after all, last time and for this stuff too.


" - let me check my records."


She pokes things on her computer. "Oh no, it looks like your payment failed to authorize, can I run your card again?"


Confund again and yep the card already went through definitely he'll just be going now.


Blink blink. "No, the transaction still isn't displaying," she calls after him.


Con-fucking-fundus and that's all her job!

Permalink the end of the day she does inventory again, is very confused, hesitates for a while -

"He said to email him?"

      "Yes, but -"

"It does sound completely insane."

     "He specificially said that he was expecting a theft problem and if there was one to email him."

"Why does Aitim Neli care about inventory shrink -"

      "I don't know but he did say to email him and the income guarantee's only if I run the shop properly -"


She emails him.



The store soon has large posters up with 'banned from store' printed on them. And security.


Well that's annoying.

Wizards find it too much trouble to bother stealing.


Oh good. They can pay money for their plants and wood and get it without any complications. If they ask about the posters she'll say "yeah, we had people just walking out without paying, but the cameras catch it all. Idiots, you'd think they didn't even know cameras existed."


These customers sure all knew cameras existed. Yes. Where can they purchase cameras?


"Oh, I think there's an electronics shop right across the way -" she points it out. 


Some of them purchase cameras.


Electronics store staff are slightly more bemused by having human customers (they don't seem to note the weird outfits) but someone who speaks English can be scrounged up to ring them up and show how cameras are used - "and you can set it to automatically upload your pictures online, so anyone can access them from any device in the world! Great if you want to send your parents pictures of the grandkids or send your spouse a picture of something at the store so they know if you're getting the right thing..."


Yes hmm of course indeed.


Here are higher-resolution models! Have they seen that picture of the whole world from space, it was taken using a camera lens much like this one right here.



What a lovely photograph.


"Isn't it? It's such a green planet - ours doesn't look like that."




"Oh, we don't have as much land area, and we're more crowded. Can I get anything else for you today?"


"No, that's all, thank you."


"Have a nice day!"


The witch is back the next day with a broken, sparking camera and she wants to know what happened. It did that all by itself.


They're so sorry and would be happy to replace it for her. What was she trying to do?


"I tried to take a picture of my owl."


They will send it to the manufacturer, who can try to puzzle out what happened. Here's the new one. 

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