llucian has never been in an abadaran church before!
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"Is there a reason your key is religiously significant beyond that you can use it to cast spells granted to you by Abadar?"


"I can use it as a legible signifier of my office as a cleric, I suppose?"


"Perhaps you simply lack the numinous feeling. It is of little matter if its absence is not disturbing to you," says Jaume, though he sounds faintly disappointed.


"I do find it rather fascinating, just not intuitively sacred."


"Possibly further exposure to the workings of the church will be salutary."



"Are there expectations that the church has of me for how I represent them at the convention?"


"The nature of the convention is such that it is not clear if we are permitted to take specific instructions from foreign interests. They have requested Chelish clerics and Chelish clerics only, though the temple itself is staffed with imports to help us establish ourselves; even Inquisitor Shawil is attending in his capacity as Conde d'Egorian; and for we Chelish clerics to serve as mouthpieces would be in tension with the philosophy establishing the convention to begin with. I take this to mean that we should educate ourselves on our theology and doctrine in a general sense but take no particular convention issues to our Osirian and Taldane and other colleagues."


"To what philosophy are you referring to exactly?"


"The archmage Cottonet styling himself President of the convention has convened it in order to receive the considered opinions of the Chelish populace that we may be governed in accordance with some weighting of our several needs."


"Ah, it really is a stroke of fortune that the adventurers who overthrew the Thrunes were so reasonable as to convene such a convention."


"I am unsure that it is reason driving them."

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