Edit History (Oldest to Newest)
Version: 1
Fields Changed (Original)
church of abadar at trivardum, westcrown
llucien has never been in an abadaran church before!

Inquisitor Shawil, lately Conde d'Egorian, has done an excellent job of securing choice temple sites to be repurposed from Asmodeus towards the ends of Abadar.  There are foreign clerics, mostly but not exclusively Osirian, in each one.  Jaume chooses one in which to station himself based on their respective room prices relative to their projected income for clerics of first circle, and location relative to the convention hall, then installs himself there, in the one serving the Trivardum's environs of bustling commerce.  He sanity-checks the estimates of various contractors offering to redecorate or remodel; he sells his spells and accepts his salary for being available to channel; he collects his retainer each day at the convention hall.  Apparently it is the fashion in Osirion to offer classes for free as a loss-leader to interest potential churchgoers and convince them of the value proposition of Abadar's teachings, and it seems a reasonable enough idea, so Jaume polishes some of his actuarial tables into a curriculum about what things make one a better or worse credit risk and why this might be, and delivers dry yet informative lectures to whoever cares to attend.  (Attendance is best when it rains, especially in the unhoused population.  Possibly in Osirion they don't have this issue because it does not rain.)

He is at present collecting his notes from one such lecture and ushering the beggars back out since they aren't going to buy anything.

Version: 2
Fields Changed Description
church of abadar at trivardum, westcrown
llucian has never been in an abadaran church before!

Inquisitor Shawil, lately Conde d'Egorian, has done an excellent job of securing choice temple sites to be repurposed from Asmodeus towards the ends of Abadar.  There are foreign clerics, mostly but not exclusively Osirian, in each one.  Jaume chooses one in which to station himself based on their respective room prices relative to their projected income for clerics of first circle, and location relative to the convention hall, then installs himself there, in the one serving the Trivardum's environs of bustling commerce.  He sanity-checks the estimates of various contractors offering to redecorate or remodel; he sells his spells and accepts his salary for being available to channel; he collects his retainer each day at the convention hall.  Apparently it is the fashion in Osirion to offer classes for free as a loss-leader to interest potential churchgoers and convince them of the value proposition of Abadar's teachings, and it seems a reasonable enough idea, so Jaume polishes some of his actuarial tables into a curriculum about what things make one a better or worse credit risk and why this might be, and delivers dry yet informative lectures to whoever cares to attend.  (Attendance is best when it rains, especially in the unhoused population.  Possibly in Osirion they don't have this issue because it does not rain.)

He is at present collecting his notes from one such lecture and ushering the beggars back out since they aren't going to buy anything.