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She lets go and kisses him, blood thick on her teeth and lips and tongue.


He kisses his own blood from her mouth.

His vision is swimming now, and when his chest presses up to hers he can feel how wet it is between them. Every time he swallows it's a new jolt of agony in the wound.

you're perfect

He's clearly aroused, but that sensation barely even matters right now.


Her response is a wordless rush of affection and desire.

She reaches up to his ear and rips one of the piercings out.


He thinks he comes, then. He's not sure. Everything is blurred together.

The edges of his vision are dark.

gonna be

back in a sec

He blacks out.

His unconscious body slumps forward, and the flow of blood trickles to a stop. It's unclear whether something healed or he just ran out entirely.



Edie props him up so he won't drown and runs the shower until they don't look like she just murdered him with her face.


His heart stops, as a temporary measure.

As the shower runs, his torn throat knits back together, and there's an unsettling squirming underneath the skin as it repairs itself.

After ten minutes or so, his heart starts again, and color begins to return to his face.

When he starts to stir, there's still an odd seam across his throat, but it's not bleeding.


The heart stopping is kind of concerning but his brain doesn't stop so she doesn't panic.


His eyes open slowly, and he looks up at her in awe. He tries to open his mouth to say something to her--

--and the new, tooth-lined maw on his neck opens instead.

...oh, what the fuck.


"I was not expecting that!"


shit, i am so sorry...

He covers the mouth up with his hand and averts his eyes quickly from hers. For the first time since she's met him, he actually seems to feel ashamed.


"No, it's fine, I was just surprised," she murmurs soothingly.

Permalink sure?

He looks back at her but still doesn't move his hand.

it's pretty fucking gross.


She gently moves his hand out of the way and runs a finger wonderingly over the glistening line of teeth.

It's amazing. You're amazing. Your mutation takes harm and uses it to make you more dangerous. How awesome is that?


...i guess that is pretty rad.

He's awed. She sees him, and she feels like this anyway--no, she feels like this because she sees him.

--hang on, I think I can...

The mouth opens wider, and for a second, a pink tongue darts out and licks her finger.


She laughs delightedly and leans down to press a kiss to the neckmouth.


It grins in apparent satisfaction.

He can't help reaching out and hugging her.

i think i love you.

...didn't quite mean to let that come out, but there it is, and fuck if he's taking it back.


I'm glad. Mm, snuggles, excellent.


He snuggles her for a while. A dorm shower isn't the most comfortable place for that, but he doesn't even care, at this point.

He realizes something a couple of minutes in, though.

fuck, do i have to get rid of this before i go back out? i've never taken off a mouth before.


Taken off?


i've had to get rid of stuff like this before. like, first time i had my bleeding-out experience.

pulling a bunch of eyeballs out of your wrists by yourself? wouldn't recommend.


yeah, right?

i can fix stuff without any home surgery shit if i've got enough time, but i'm not great at it yet...


If and only if you don't want to have a mouth in your neck you shouldn't. I certainly wouldn't call it urgent.


Oh. That's an idea.

huh. maybe I'll keep it around for a little while.

He reaches up and actually touches the seam for the first time, then parts it and feels the teeth.

gross, but cool.

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