"Yes, of course. I would've had some trouble getting here if I didn't."
Mark settles into the driver's seat and starts the vehicle. Off they trundle.
"...Does anybody at the embassy know you decided to rescue me by yourself?"
"Wondering how surprised they'll be when we turn up. How would they have guessed, what'd you do?"
"Replied anonymously to the ransom note with a counteroffer indicating that if they returned you unharmed within a day, they would remain unharmed likewise. That's probably why they made you record that vid message."
"Alas, money and violence don't trade so fluidly outside of Jackson's Whole. They chose not to negotiate. And when I arrived, you were not unharmed, so—" he shrugs.
"It got on their nerves. They weren't keeping me tied up before that."
"I made that judgment when I saw where they were keeping you; I didn't see your hands until I got into the room," he clarifies.
"And then that fellow outside the door would have been... more dead?"
"Right. This is going to make a fascinating story to vid home with. Pity they broke my pen."