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"No. Cyprian's a tyrant and the people only tolerated him because he's a genius and could whup the devils but there's no need now so they should hang him."


"I don't disagree. They won't, though – they love him. Do you want to know why? – Don't worry. I'm not about to say it's because he calmed the lunatic commoner mobs." 


"People like winning. you gotta make it a losing move to be a bad person."


"I don't think so. He'd only conquered a couple of River kingdoms when he made himself dictator, and anyone could do that. I don't know – I wasn't in Galt myself, at the time, but I really have thought about it more than anyone should, and my best guess is that everyone was sick of being afraid. You think you know what it's like, being afraid all the time, but it's different when it's coming from every direction at once – the royalists – the radicals – the royalists again – the devil on the border – there weren't even mobs, by then. I think they gave up out of sheer exhaustion. Say what you will about Cyprian, but I don't think the man ever gets tired. All he had to do was wait until the revolution wore itself out with fear. Our mistakes was thinking we could terrify the diabolists into submision, we didn't understand that it was their weapon, as reason and hope are ours – 

– Forgive me. I've gone philosophical. This isn't a subject on which I have the right to give lectures." 


"You didn't take Cheliax back with reason and hope."


"Speak for yourself. did."


"You took Cheliax back with the most powerful wizards since the Age of Legends blowing up everything that stood in their way. I bet that'd work on Cyprian too."


"And yet, there are no archmages overthrowing Cyprian. It's not that I haven't thought about it."


"Overthrow him? You could make him host a constitutional convention." 


"He did! He's got a constitution. I don't think it's a particularly good one, as these things go, but who am I to step in and tell the happy people of Galt that they'd better pick out a new form of government because I happen to think they could do better?"


"Who were you to overthrow Abrogail Thrune? The person who could do it!"


"A person who hates Hell far more than any living mortal. After that – well, I want people to be free, and I have hope that the people of Cheliax will be able to build something better than what came before."  


"If they are it'll start by getting rid of the people who ran the place before."


"I do like to think we tried. If you find someone really is still worshipping Asmodeus, you could always complain about it to the Queen – you know. As a novelty." 


"I refuse to both do her job for her and pay her taxes."


This conversation is going nowhere. 

"In your position, I wouldn't trust her either. Practically speaking, you will have to. I hope you retain your hatred of tyrants, which is a signal virtue. And if you must do this again" – he gestures at the pamphlet – "I would appreciate it if you would do me the personal favor of waiting until the convention has ratified some laws about it." 

He gets up. 

"Good day, citizen."


"Good day, citizen.'d you catch me?"


"In my day, we had to figure these things out for ourselves." 

And he's gone. 

I'm afraid that wasn't very productive.


Do you think he'll do it again?


....Even odds, but you'll catch him. I don't think he was doing this under the old regime, he's not careful enough.


Well, yes, we caught him once already and unless you're going to tell me the man's got mind blank the second time will be easier. He's not being careful enough with the accusations, either...maybe he'll get lucky and not actually get anyone killed.


I hope so. He doesn't strike me as really bloodthirsty, just the sort who thinks he is. I could have really theatened him. It might have been kinder. 


It can be hard to know when a mercy shown to one much weaker than you isn't. Things have been calm, not like last year. Nobody on the lists has been attacked yet. I think if he tries it again we'll catch it and stop it before it gets to the point of angry mobs, and then Senyor Rocamora can wait in prison for a month. It probably won't be any worse than that.

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