Macalaurës who have not yet seduced a Rebecca feel that they have been issued a challenge. They get to work on it.
He goes to Eclipse and does research. Eclipse makes him feel very uncomfortable.
"And they do the police and stuff - not often, the rule is like, you turn yourself in and then the courts respect that you were honest and admitted it and that the demons could spend their time on planets, but like people wouldn't turn themselves in if they didn't know the courts could demon it."
"And they help people recover old documents and rebuild historic sites and stuff, lotsa people are really into that."
" - it's, like, songs by real people about real people. I really don't think greens could do it. Like, you know, 'I'm sick of waiting tables, I'mma get out of this two-stoplight town and go to the city', that's a country song. 'Don't fucking offer me overtime, I'll work my shift and then I'll go get drunk', that's a country song."