"I wonder if this problem is solvable with sorcery. I wonder that about most problems," he says, smiling wryly.
"I've thought about it. I haven't gotten anywhere. Unless it took mental sorcery you'd be likelier to come up with something than me, of course."
"I don't have a good guess about what would help, but now I'm going to think about it."
"I don't see why more people aren't. But I think sometimes they can't afford to be."
"It's not as though thinking about how to solve interesting problems with sorcery is any kind of hardship for me. I don't lose anything by being nice. What I really don't understand is people who could be nice just as easily but deliberately pass up the opportunity."
"I wasn't thinking of any specific examples. But, oh, any good sorcerer who isn't being actively prevented will eventually come across opportunities to do someone a favour, and, hmm... it seems the calculation is not 'will the benefit to this person be worth my time and effort' but 'what am I going to get out of it and is it enough for me to bother'. Observably it often isn't. I cannot fathom the mindset."
"I was trying to help a mortal get home when Thorn caught me and I don't think the experience has made me nicer."
"That's a different problem entirely. And if there's a solution it is beyond my means."
"I think the gate's probably still there, standing open, not far from my first tree. I think the mortal may be dead but I didn't see much of her after we were caught."
"Perhaps I'll go by and see about closing it. Having open gates lying around to be stumbled through does no one any good."
"It took me weeks to learn to make one when that was nearly the only thing I did with my time."
"And then it took a long time to settle, which I'm guessing isn't usually a problem you'd have if you made them."