Promise reminds herself that one of the things she does actually know from personal experience with Arcane is that he is pretty comfortable with silences. She goes and harvests tasty hanging moss, enough for two.
"I actually like the one that's farther away a little more, but the nearer one is fine for most purposes. How did you know I'd visited them both?"
"I went by them to check that they were indeed both still there, and I noticed they had both gathered knowledge about your place of origin that matched your experience."
"The first one took a day's worth of stories for membership. The second one I had to not only do that but also figure out a harmonic map of a place they didn't have in the files - manually, with fairy lights and guessing, it took me most of a week - but that's because their sorcery collection is better."
"Their sorcery collection's all right," Arcane acknowledges. "I've made a few contributions myself. The one in the north, though, have you looked at their fiction? They have some amazingly fantastical stories imagining the mortal realm. I might want copies of some of those to take home."
"I looked. None of them seem consistent enough that it makes sense for them to be about the actual mortal realm rather than some completely imaginary third universe, but the writing is occasionally good."
"I did say 'imagining' rather than 'describing'. The main problem I noticed in the one I picked up was that the author didn't seem to have figured out how transportation and architecture would actually work in a world where no one has wings or sorcery. They just sort of wrote around the problem. I liked it for its other qualities, though. Good characters."
"I don't think I saw that one. Wouldn't people just have to walk, if they couldn't fly? At least over short distances."
"Yes. But for example, the buildings often have multiple levels but no one is ever described moving from one level to another, nor is it explained how they manage it."
He shrugs. "If I had the job of designing architecture for wingless people I'm sure I could come up with something. Doing it without sorcery would be harder, of course."
"I know there are fairies who build houses without any sorcery. There was a painted tailwing near my tree who built her own house and she can't do a speck of useful magic."
"More difficult to do complicated things to compensate for the lack of wings that way, though."
"I'm probably less qualified to figure this out than most fairies, because I'm legitimately terrible at walking."
"I trip. I'm not clumsy in the air particularly - for a leaflet anyway, we're hardly aerobaticists - but I trip even walking over a perfectly smooth surface."