Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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"Sounds promising. Is there a good way to go 'hi Dwarves I am an infosec hazard and know where you all live but I'm friendly let's chat'?"


"That I'm probably not going to get an answer to from having people comb Angband's records. If you're willing to tolerate them panicking and probably shooting at you you could just walk in and hope they forgive you for knowing how to find them when you demonstrate the magic powers."


"Yeah, guess so. I can take being shot at, although while I will be fine I will not remain upright throughout the process and it'll be undignified."


"Wearing bulletproof armor to go see the Dwarves shouldn't be escalatory?"


"The problem isn't the injury, you can hurt me about as much with a bullet as with a plastic fork, but the impact. I'm not really steady on my feet to begin with - the wings and tail help a lot but not enough for me to stand up while fired on."


"We might have tech for that. The Valar called them 'blessings', and taught us how to make them - people like running across treetops and so forth - some of them load to your chip but plenty of them you just need to have on you."


"Oh, that'd be neat."


"Something that when activated just gives you more inertia is pretty trivial, I'm not seeing race-across-treetop options that aren't load-to-chip. I'll keep looking."


"Do they have mental properties like Silmarils or could I just make myself an inertia thing?"


"They shouldn't be a problem to duplicate at all."


"Are there multiple design options or are they all the same? What do they look like?"


He pulls his collar loose and pulls off a necklace. It is exquisitely pretty. "The only necessary bit's this here in the center," he says, "if you want it harder to remove from you than a necklace or something."


"How valuable would it be stolen?"


"The Enemy has as many as he wants - well, no, that's probably not true, but he has enough one is not a marginal advantage. In Valinor one could easily amass thousands."


"I'll just wear it then - are there any others I should accumulate, put 'em all on one string?"


"You could pull up the list of what I have, this one has a couple hundred on it. There's one for vastly improved recall and working memory that I find particularly useful, but I don't think it comes in non-chip variants."


"Now that's tempting as all get out," sighs Cam.


"One of my brothers is working on a chip that doesn't transmit anything. It'd mean no osanwe, which is half the fun, and only local backups, which is dangerous, but might serve your purposes."


"Might take it," Cam agrees. "I can define things that are sufficiently attached to me as part of my body and count them in the indestructibility but I don't know how that'll do against read-only attacks." He produces a list of blessings.


Balance (chip), reflexes (chip), autonomic control (chip), deflecting projectiles (area-effect), grounding electricity (touch), wireless charger (area-effect), eloquence (chip), working memory (chip), recall (chip), temperature (area-effect), better osanwe range and precision (chip), sense magnetism (area-effect), improved visual acuity  (chip and surgery), improved auditory acuity (chip and surgery), ability to see ultraviolet and infrared light (chip and surgery), temporary strength (area-effect), temporary inertia (area-effect), healing (touch)...


It's on his computer so he can grep it by whether he can actually use it or not. He totally wants most of the area effect ones though.


"We can also develop new ones for you, it's a two-month development process even if you're really in a hurry for people who aren't the King or Curufinwe but it can be done."


"What kinda stuff wouldn't have to go on a chip?"


"Things in the vein of what's already out there - I know breathing underwater's in the development stage now that we all live underwater, but I assume you can just make yourself air - withstanding water pressure's also in the development stage - flight, which again you already have, is perpetually being attempted - the temperature blessings all have safeties on them which stop you from changing your vicinity to Elf-unsafe temperatures, we could make ones without the safeties if you wanted the ability to make the area around you absolute zero -"


"Hm, not obvious must-haves... Anything that'd make me better able to track the locations of things I wasn't looking at would probably be the chiploading kind..."

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