Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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"Three hundred, floating topside. We're also going to need you to refuel them, we're running them on gasoline and I haven't the faintest idea how gasoline's refined, we're a few centuries past using it for anything in Valinor..."


"I can give you a tankerful but it'll be a tempting target, explodes like crazy. Brithombar uses gasoline, though, they're rationing it but will know how to refine it."


"Then just fueled planes for now; after we've nibbled at their enemy for a bit we can ask them for a science lesson. Someone sufficiently suicidal could take one of those things all the way to Angband, and I'm sort of curious at what point he'd bring out the big guns, but we'll keep them in local borders."


Nod. He knows how deep they are, he built this place - "Planes in progress."


"Lovely. Thank you. Building factories and mining facilities was going to be super tedious."


"I bet. Demons are handy."


"And sounds like we got the best one."


"Well, I haven't checked the entire population of Hell but probably."


"Anyway, that's all I wanted. Come find me again if you ever want the best fighter we can design instead of the most crippled one that could still be useful."


"Will do."


And he sits back down again, extending his hand for Huan to lick it, and frowns at a screen full of writing that's definitely not written in the Elven alphabet. 


"What language is that?"


"I can't learn to read for some fucking reason, so my father invented me an alphabet that doesn't wiggle around on the screen. I can toggle to normal Quenya if you need to be able to read something -"


"No, it's fine, just wondering," Cam says, installing the font in case he ever needs to write something at Tyelcormo. "If you decide to pick up any languages from my world your key phrase is probably 'dyslexic-friendly font'."


"I fly things and shoot things, we have enough polyglots floating around that I tend to trust them with the 'learning things'. Though we've all been practicing Thindarin because we're going to need it."


"I do not have a dyslexic-friendly Thindarin font, alas. Anyway, I'll get out of your way."


"You're not in it, but yeah, see you around."


Anybody else want Cam for anything while he's around?


If he's willing to land a lot more people in Brithombar, they're at the stages in their support planning where more people can be landed. There are also teams ready to go if he wants to land evacuation preachers anywhere else. Medical has another list of drug requests.


He will fill drug requests and fly people to Brithombar! He is not sure where else to land evac evangelists. He will ask Maitimo while he's in Brithombar.


It's raining hard today. The people of Brithombar are delighted by this; too stormy for airstrikes. 


Anybody want an umbrella? Cam for his own part just puts a wing over his head, and texts Maitimo that he is here with people, where to?


Just outside the city, if he doesn't mind. Is Macalaure among the new arrivals?


"Any of you Macalaurë?"


"Maitimo said that this society has radio."

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