Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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"...I can produce a basement dweller of the author if that is likely to be informative and, say, the possibility that they are a Maia doesn't mean that I will be making something highly-unstable-absent-a-mind?"


"I have no idea what a Maia without a mind would be like. Might not be safe. Maybe do it in space."


"Sure. Right now, or are there other undersea-safe avenues of investigation coming to mind?"


"We might have the manpower for 'complete written works of Angband' to be informative. At some point I assume my people will mutiny if I set them to nothing but reading the Enemy's emails but they don't seem on the brink of it."


Complete written works of Angband....


That is in fact a lot of material. "I'll put people on it. The things they picked out as of interest from Doriath are mostly about Dwarves, want to see?"


"Yes please."


There's a Dwarven part of town in Doriath's largest city. Dwarves aren't very well-liked. There is a lot of discussion of whether they can be trusted not to serve the Enemy. This discussion doesn't seem to be prompted by any specific incidents of Dwarves serving the Enemy, though some Dwarven citystates still have trading relationships with neighboring orc citystates and this is fueling a lot of the mistrust. Four Dwarf city-states have declarations of neutrality and one has a peace treaty with the Enemy. Dwarves run most of the planet's financial system; this hasn't made them any more liked, and there's a history of Elven monarchs exiling all the Dwarves when they're overextended on credit. Dwarves have cryptography. Dwarves invented disproportionately many of industrialization's advances. 


"Well, I like the sound of them," Cam says, "although not so much from a strategic perspective, they sound too generally persecuted and levelheaded to be an instant wartime asset just add demonic conjuration."


"Perhaps willing to evacuate, though," Maitimo says, "if we can frame it the right way."


"Yeah, maybe."


"It sounds like 'planet with no Elves' might be quite the selling point." He sighs. "I realize there are higher priorities but I want to give every kingdom here the internet and then see if I can in fact end racism by remotely pulling strings."


"...internets where I'm from, uh, don't do that."


"I have five hundred thousand people who obey my orders," he says. "I was not proposing it be an unsupervised internet."


"That would probably help with the racism but at the cost of diminishing the virtues of Internets that I am accustomed to."


"And it's not a good use of their time. What are the virtues of internets that you're accustomed to?"


"Anonymity has its upsides and downsides. And weird ephemeral art things. I also like the thing where inevitably there is somebody somewhere who is just really, really interested in calcite formations or whatever and has done years of research and compiled it all neatly for my two-second question convenience, although that you could probably get even on a heavily moderated net."


"That we got even in Valinor, and heavily moderated doesn't even begin to describe Valinor. I was excellent at pulling the strings there but it was a smaller scale and a familiar audience."


"...sometime when I don't need to be doing war things I'm totally peeking at those reviews of the hellibrary they promised to write up for the curators."


"I bet they'll be fascinating. You can expect more than half the content'll be banned once it's translated - portraying antisocial behavior, or something - oh, guess what, apparently two days ago several of Angband's commanders stopped transmitting their orders over any data format in our corpus. The Enemy's intelligence must be pretty good."


"Changing format instead of switching to a completely unrecorded protocol means it's not that good, or did they do that?"


He pauses. "Looks like - stopped sending written communications over telegraph, shut down audio and video monitoring of key centers, didn't stop writing things down. Big decrease in volume."


Nod. Sigh. "Not monitoring their key centers is smart, I hope they take some security losses for it in other departments though..."


"I'm sure if it becomes known then it'll cost them." He pauses. "They kill the orcs who won't swear. I imagine you'd guessed that. Freedom of religion indeed."


"I figured it was either that or torture them into it."

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