Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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"I'm a little sad that the Doom and the dimensional differences mean that your afterlife is closed to us. It seems like it'd be very satisfying work. We could rebuild Valinor in Hell if we wanted to and it wouldn't be any more meaningless than our lives in fact were, back there - we could still develop technology and share it with the summoner realm -"


"Well, the daeva realms are nice but you wouldn't all be together even if you were all daeva, and Limbo's not very nice."


"It seems to have less catastrophic failure modes."


"So Limbo is natively an infinite flat plane of dirt with air on top. And when someone dies and goes to Limbo, they get a thing. One, non-person thing, something important to them, I am inclined to gloss it as 'the thing they think an afterlife would be most incomplete without' and it might be a house or their dog or a box of chocolates but it can't be like their wife or a benevolent God or the Internet because those all are people or have person components. Limbo things are indestructible in sort of the way that daeva and limboites are; if you get a box of chocolates and you leave it alone for a bit it will have more chocolates in it, you can run the water in a house and it'll continue to work without any obvious source hooked up to the plumbing, the dog won't need food. But this is all they get except the daeva realms send them a ton of stuff every time we get a concordance, the concordance opens and bam a train goes through into Limbo and they put as many cars on it as will go through the concordance in time. This is not enough for everybody who's ever died to Limbo."


"Plants don't grow in the soil, you can't mine, you can't set animals loose and let them breed..."


"Plants do not grow in the soil and there's nothing in it to mine. There is an ocean, somebody must've wanted an ocean, but it's only got water in it. Animals would work but if they were alive and not Limbo animals they would need something to eat so there aren't that many. My parents both got really lucky with their things, my dad got his house and my mom got an RV, so they both get to eat most days and just have to deal with it being only socially responsible to constantly remove all removable objects from their homes and give them away and wait for them to come back. They are also lucky in having a demon for a son, I have a small space allotment to directly send them things."




...this is not a problem it's a good idea to set my father on right now but when we've done all we can for this war do remind me to set it to him, I bet he'll come up with something in the Silmaril vein that slowly terraforms the soil."




"If it's not something like that it'll be something better. You haven't seen him at his best, his father's murder was hard on him, but he's very very good."


"I believe it."


And they're back at the underwater city. Half a dozen people are crowded around the door to see them. "Can you prioritize," Maitimo says, a bit tensely, and the six people glance at each other and then Findekano says 'medical wants an Elf and a human to see if they can identify the biological differences relevant to why Cam's drugs keep failing, we've read through a chunk of Doriath's internet and have four items of interest to you, next two exploratory aid teams are ready to go if you're still doing that, we have a list of quality-of-life interventions on planet that shouldn't qualify as escalatory, Cam doesn't have time to make a planet for orcs and if we use the computers to find him some that might be intercepted so can we please have print copies of the last Telerin astrological survey."

"Thank you."

"There is no greater honor than to be of service to my King."

They are both glaring at each other. 


Cam makes them basement dwellers and the astrological survey - "I do have time to make a space station for them, that won't take as long."


"How many can a space station hold?"


"Depends on the space station but I only have seven orcs right now."


"Not optimistic on eventual large-scale evacuation there?"


"Eventual, sure, but then I may have more time to make them a planet."


"Alright. Medical was optimistic about results, you can check for them in probably twenty hours."


"Okay, what title should I expect?"


"Medical results for Cam #1, I am told. Should we standardize on a title format so you can save some time?"


"I will be conjuring up all things titled 'letter for Cam' on a daily basis. Unless the title starts getting spam."


"Alright." And he melts off down a corridor and Maitimo is definitely watching him go. 


Well at least they are functional in spite of their drama. " where's your father."


"On his way." He arrives as he says that. "I'd like the language the orcs swore in, please. Everything you have in it."


Cam hands it over, complete works in that language.


"Great." And he opens the nearest door and writes on paper - 

Enemy can't be redirecting backups yet. Neither he nor anyone in his service can even handle the Silmarils safely and it'd take me two decades to get anywhere on backups and I know how I made them in the first place. 

He somehow learned what they can do. He must have a copy of my father.

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