Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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"Ah, 10:3:5:5:1:1:1:1," she says, looking over his shoulder at the list.



Stuff starts appearing.


"You sure you don't want worshippers? Because that's how you get worshippers."


"I mean, it's not going to do me any harm, but I really don't require them. Prayer does not sustain me or anything."


"Valar neither, and yet they do seem to value it very highly. I always figured once you had infinite safety and infinite material comfort you started wanting weird things."


"Yeah, the weird thing I want is for everyone else to have infinite safety and material comfort. I find it very stifling to live in a dimension where everybody has the same powers I do when there's people who don't, this is a lovely opportunity for me."


She flinches slightly. "That's good. Do let us know if you decide to help with the war."


"Probably will, just - I don't throw around the kinda destructive power I have lightly."


"I promise we don't take any joy in it either."


"Though if Angband's as described - well, if I could evacuate everybody I could just suck the whole planet into a black hole. Make a nice replica somewhere else if you were nostalgic about it or something."


"If you can do that I think you probably ought to. I am not even completely sure you should wait to evacuate, we do all come back. Not the Dwarves, those you'll have to get out.


Though there's no reason to think all his backups are on this planet. Maybe some of his lieutenants would trade backup locations for their lives."


"Good point about extra backups. Where are Dwarves?"


"They keep it a secret. I hardly blame them."


"Fair enough."


"There's some in Doriath, they trade us weapons through them."


"Good to know. Though I still don't know how to get into Doriath. Stand outside and conjure notes into it maybe."


"You can't really blame Elu for being paranoid."


"I wasn't. Just don't know how to interact with it."


"If you go up to the borders and just start explaining why the oath won't work and why you're here, I bet they'll hear you out. They are also smart enough to make the inference that for all practical purposes 'can create arbitrary matter' means 'may as well assume he's not working for the Enemy.'


What are the newcomers like? Are they likely to be helpful if we do a mass evacuation, are they likely to be helpful if we give them guns and point them at the Enemy..."


"Yes and yes, I think, they are generally disposed to be helpful."


A raised eyebrow. "And good at it?"


"They seem pretty competent to me less some infighting."


"Really? The usual complaint about Amanyar is pathologically loyal but pathologically naive."


"This has not been my impression of this set, but this is the set who decided to flip off the Valar and come and try to reinforce you guys, so."


"Fair enough. Thank them for me, will you? I'm - very glad someone did. And relieved the Valar let them, truth be told."

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