Demon Cam in the Space Silmarillion
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"I cannot extract your backups from Valinor and one hard limit on my magic apart from antimatter is that I can't do minds so I can't even dupe them. But I could make a ton of ships."


He nods. "We will bear that in mind. My answer is the same as it was to the Valar, which is that I'd rather face monsters I won't be damned for slaying."


"Okay, well, offer is open if you want to evacuate anybody. Meanwhile I can at least feed you."


"Got a location," she says. "Fifteen minutes' walk from here, though I guess you can fly. We may have to change it up if the Enemy starts targeting it."


"I can't fly with passengers, so you'll have to tell me where it is."


"Sorry, forgot briefly that I can't send you anything." She turns the monitor towards him. 


He has a look at it. "Anything else you want to ask me before I go? Will people there know what I should fill it up with in particular?"


"I could give you a list of everything that's rationed? And - yeah, I'm desperately curious if our dead have started to come back in Valinor and whether they've gotten anywhere on convincing the Valar to do something, if you happen to know."


"- lemme see if I can -" Is there some conveniently accessible list of the resurrected that he can conjure up.


There is. It's by year. 


"Got a list. I don't know how to get ahold of what they've been saying to the Valar but I have a list of resurrected by year."



"That's amazing," he says, "Meril, can you get that copied and published -"

"Yes, definitely. Unless Cam can also do that with a flick of the finger."


"Well, I can't hijack your distribution network, but sure, what format do you want it in, name it."


"....paper? Posterboard?"


Cam hands her a stack of paper.


"Thank you." She looks at the President. "No one who died in the war. It'll probably take years. Unless heresy's on the no-no list these days, in which case damned if I know."


"I tried resurrecting somebody in case software-stored minds were an exception and it didn't work, I'm sorry."


They both flinch. "No offense," the President says, "but good."


"...if you say so."


"The Enemy can do it to people he takes prisoner. He can rip a copy of their heads - the process is fatal, but who really cares - and run it on a computer, a thousand times the speed, ten thousand times the speed, erase memories, insert ones, or just make you live them, torture you for longer than the lifespan of the world in less time than the war has been ongoing. Or make copies and try different things, if there's a way to what he wants from you."




"Well fuck."


"You seem likable but I don't think there's anyone in the universe I'd trust with a copy of my head."


"I can respect that."


"It's been a pleasure. Thank you for the food."


"You're welcome."

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