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really good ideas that have definitely been fully thought through
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For countless years the Diabolists have held the people of Cheliax in their Wicked Grasp, spreading their most vile and noxious Venom throughout our veins. Their Venom has spread to every part of our noble Kingdom, until none could hope to Escape its taint. Now Holy Iomedae and her most Honored Servant the Queen have driven back the Churches of Hell and cut their Venom off at its Unholy Source.

Yet we must not allow such Glorious Victory to drive us into the wretched clutches of Complacency. Although the head of the Snake has been beheaded, its Venom remains within all of us, threatening at every moment to twist us to its Vile Purpose. How can We, who have known nothing but the Stench of Evil all our lives, comprehend the will of Holy Iomedae? How can We, who have served Unholy Asmodeus in Thought and Deed, hope to raise our children in the ways of Goodness?

If we wish to cleanse our most glorious Kingdom of this Venom, we must end that most Pernicious of relationships, that in which a Mother and Father spread this Venom to their ignorant Children. It is the Custom in many Kingdoms for the Churches of Good to adminster Orphanages for the care of Children, as the Churches of Hell once did in Cheliax. The Duty of Childrearing should be taken up wholly by the Churches of Good, who can raise Children free of such wicked and contemptible Vice as we have grown accustomed to. Only they can Purge the souls of our Children and usher in an era of Goodness. 

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Wow what the fuck. Somebody needs to read a nice romance novel. Sadly this pamphlet is anonymous so she can't find the writer and give him one. 


That would completely ruin the value proposition of having children. You get less of what you tax and considerably less of what you abduct at birth. Or, if they are imagining paying the parents (perhaps just the mother), it would completely ruin the value proposition of having legitimate children of quality blood; they'd be flooded with bastards by every irresponsible rogue with a working member.


(A Rebuttal to Certain Misguided Notions of Child-Rearing in the Cry of Purity): We must question the Wisdom of entrusting the Future of our Nation to those whose primary Qualification is an Aptitude for Prayer. One might as well appoint a Fishmonger to conduct an Orchestra, for both Tasks require Skills quite distinct from those cultivated in a House of Worship. 


On orphanages and their replacement by the churches of Good.

Since there are still some remaining orphanages, and VERY FEW churches of good in Cheliax. To abolish the orphanages would leave the orphans to starve. AN EVIL ACT! LISTEN NOT TO THE DIABOLISTS WISHING TO PROMOTE EVIL BY CALLING IT GOOD! Dead kids is almost always evil! I asked a paladin! Making sure kids are fed and housed is good! So either start a good church to raise the children, or start more good orphanages. But do not disband what is still sorely needed!

I have seen many pamphlets promoting evil! DIABLOSIT EVIL! Urging the citizens to acts that WOULD WEAKEN CHELIAX FOR THE DIABOLISTS! And disguising their evil plots as good. If you don’t know what good is, ask a paladin! Don’t act on the first plan you hear claiming to be good! If you can’t ask a paladin or foreigner about what good is, just live your life as normal. Inaction is better than ENABLING DIABOLIST PLOTS!

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