Sherlock recites them from memory, and add with a smile, "Why do you ask?"
"'Cause I have Charms and Potions with you guys," she says.
"I'm looking forward to Charms especially. All the cool things seem to be Charms."
"Hey, don't you talk any crap about Potions," snorts Tony. "Potions are awesome."
"There are some very cool looking potions," acknowledges Bella. "But they mostly seem to be really advanced, and they all take forever to make. Even complicated charms don't take that long. I'm kind of impatient."
"I can't think of anyone else with that particular flaw," Sherlock deadpans.
"If I thought it was a flaw plain and simple I'd get rid of it," says Bella, waving a hand.
"He's talking about me," says Tony. "What do you mean, get rid of it?"
"I mean I'd make it go away, or at least not make me do things anymore," says Bella. "I'd have to really believe it was all bad before I'd try, though, or I'd just be hacking at my personality for no good reason."
"I - what, could you not do that? If you really really wanted?"
"I'd just have to figure out where it was and where it came from and how it was making me do stuff, and then dig it out, like a plant," says Bella.
"Is it? You really don't know how?" Pause. "Are people just how they are because they don't know how to be different, then? They don't all just like being who they wound up being?"
"Like why so many people still have all kinds of traits that I can't see why anybody would want to have," Bella laughs, "even when they've had a long time to get rid of them."
"Oh, like people who are really mean, not even in a catty way that makes their friends like them but just plain mean so they don't even have any friends, there's no reason I can think of to want to do that," says Bella. "I thought maybe I was just missing something but maybe they don't know how to stop."