Kiri in Arda
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That sounds really inconvenient. Who are the three? Am I in fact being subtly hoarded?


The King who was assassinated had three sons. The older two both have claims to the throne, and are not pressing them but also not interested in a resolution that involves surrendering them; the third, my father, is running his own thing mostly because otherwise there'd be too much pressure to pick one of the two. You're most helpful with the forges which means you're most helpful to Feanáro because he's gifted with that sort of thing, and Maitimo's very mildly intercepting people who want to go bother you about politics, but I think he's just doing it out of a preference you not be bothered about politics rather than as a window to win you to his side. 


I'm normally fairly involved in politics at home but I know the ropes better there than here by a long shot.


Well. If you're getting sent home immediately it doesn't really matter; if you're staying you can figure out how deep you want to wade in. We all want the Enemy dead.


Out to the beach?


Yeah. I'll get Aleko.


And they set off through the dark for the beach.


Well, not that dark, Kiri lights the way.


Ooooh, much better. By horse it's only a day and a half.


Which is a long ride, but not intolerable or anything.


And they wade out into the ocean and start singing. Findaráto smiles at her encouragingly. Not the only way to get his attention, but a reasonably good one; you don't have to join in if you don't want to, but if you do, don't worry about not knowing the words or tune.


I don't know what I would sing if not... the words and the tune...


The bits you pick up as you go, I suppose. Some people can harmonize to songs they don't know, just from knowing the key.


Not a talent I have.


Aleko's willing to give it a go and he croons vaguely whenever there's a motif he recognizes.


And they summon a god! It's very exciting. The water recedes from the shore and the air pressure goes higher and then a form rises out of the water. He has a long beard and a trident and radiates terrible power and is altogether an appropriate god of the sea.




Hello. Welcome, newcomer to Arda.


My name is Kiribel Ardelay, and this is my brother, and we arrived here by accident recently. I have important responsibilities at home for which I cannot be readily replaced and was told you might be able to send us back.


This is unprecedented. It would probably be possible for the Valar to send you back, if you desire to come to Valinor where we can examine the situation more closely.


...this seems impractical, since it's a multiweek hike and I can't stay reliably upright on ice.


I can consult with my brethren about whether it can be done remotely. How urgent is your return?


I have already been away long enough to cause serious problems. They will probably not get substantially more serious if I am back in the next month, and will not turn into unqualified disasters for perhaps a year. - A year on my world is three hundred and sixty five days.


That is very soon. I will tell them the necessity of acting urgently.

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