Kiri in Arda
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We could also ask Ulmo about getting you home, since it's not looking like the war will conveniently be over in a few months.


That would be useful. You think he'd help?


I find that very hard to guess. I'm confident he wouldn't take offense at the question.


And you think he could.


If we knew more about the capabilities of the Valar this war would look very different than it does. I expect he could but I am not sure.


We'd miss you. Everyone's still working on what kind of lateral thinking might let someone creatively kill the Enemy with your powers. Hopefully he can let you come back and forth.


That would be nice. I just need to be conspicuously not dead, I don't need to be in Welce all the time, Jayce can handle most of my affairs.


Seems like Welce is nicer, once the war's won. I wish we had a sun.


If you want an escort down to the ocean to try getting Ulmo's attention it can at this point safely be arranged.


I don't really know how to address him.


I think some of my cousins had offered to go with you, they're better qualified than me because my family recently denounced the Valar and I expect the Valar have hurt feelings about it. Anyway, don't be astoundingly rude but they don't stand on any particular formal procedure.


I can probably manage that.


Ulmo's the lord of the waters. I think he is the most charitably inclined to us at this point. He thought taking us to Valinor in the first place was a mistake.


I think he believes we were bound to clash with the Valar under the circumstances.


Well, seems like he wasn't wrong.


It worked for the Vanyar. Worked for the Teleri, mostly. The Noldor are malcontents and I think would eventually outgrow any place you put us in. And we can't really consider a place paradise while there are places we'd matter.


Seems reasonable enough to me.


Bet if you could see it by looking at us, like you can at home, we'd be a very disproportionately sweela lot.


Not necessarily. There are some brilliant, temperamental, motivated people in any element.


I don't think it describes me. But - my father is not exactly characteristic of our people but he's all the tendencies that make us a people in one bundle.


If I had to say who his mind reminded me most of I'd actually say Sarelle, and she's elay. She's got a sweela streak, but a hunti one too - and she's the elay prime. They use their minds very differently but they're the two most striking examples I've read.

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