Kiri in Arda
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You haven't told me about your fellow primes much! What does she put her mind to, what's she like?


Situational awareness. She's intensely, constantly aware of everything around her and drawing inferences about how it got that way and what it will do next. Her powers mean she can get more done on that front with sound and smell than she could before, but reportedly she was like that even before.


Oooh, I'm a bit envious, that's a good one.'s yours, but harder to actually use if one isn't evil.


I get a lot of practical daily use out of the fire, it's the mind that's hard to deploy. She doesn't use the soul half for much, although it does mean she can determine people's elements much more reliably.


What else can the soul half do, in theory or historically?


Auney never did anything with it - Jerist reportedly did a lot of matchmaking when he was younger but calmed down on that by the time I was around so I don't know much about what he was doing exactly.


Oooh, fun. That was a favorite hobby of mine back before I acquired important priorities.


Maybe I'd say you were elay too if I could tell. Although - stab in the dark - I'm actually thinking coru. To the extent the categories apply here to people less obviously made of fire than your father.


I'm curious but not enough to check. He smiles and shakes his head. I should also probably get back to work, do you want me to introduce you to my on-better-terms-with-the-Valar cousins first?


Sure, if this is a good time.


And so she is introduced! The cousin in question is blond and looks at her with wide-eyed curiosity and Maitimo introduces him as Findaráto.


It's lovely to meet you. I'd never accuse my uncle of hoarding the magic power but I think I can fairly suspect him of hoarding the interesting foreigners. You wanted to talk to Ulmo?


I have responsibilities at home and he might be able to get me back.


That's a very good reason, though I think it'd be reasonable to desire to return to your family and homeland either way. I can definitely take you to the sea but it's not always fast to get his attention.


It can take a few weeks.


And we have to camp out by the sea the whole time?


We can come back here and then go back there and try again, if you prefer. The sea's a nice place to camp, we can fish.


I don't really know how to fish. How far is it?


I'd be delighted to fish for you. Or teach you to fish, there's a saying about that. It should be two days' travel, three if someone needs to carry you because I hear you are clumsy and we don't have the setup to enchant a ring for you yet.


I can ride a horse, if one's available, not as much without mishap as someone who is not clumsy but better than trying to walk.


Horses I can arrange. I assume. His smiles fades for a minute and then returns. Yes! Horses: arranged. My cousins are a bit unpredictable about what they're sharing, lately. 


We're sort of operating as three independent commands sharing a city. This is a terrible idea but no one's thought of anything better yet and no one is backing down. I expect it'll all get sorted but in the meantime I have unreliable access to horses and magic and so forth.

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