"No, it is very considerate of you, but I need to go help your son first."
Plus Felix could make an entire mountain of pizza if he felt like it.
Up, up and away.
Felix created one portal high up in the sky, so no one would stumble upon it. This portal, like all portals, only opens or closes under certain circumstances, called Keys. To open it, Felix simple creates a small flame and moves it downward. The translucid portal appears mid air and Felix goes into it. Then Felix closes it, by making another small flame and moving it upward.
He created a small house in this dimensional space. Felix's pebble is parked in the backyard. It will eventually grow and get bigger than the house.
Now, Felix moves towards the second portal, this one connects to the young boy's dimension and was created pretty close to it's center.
Felix opens it (fire moving in a spiral) and walks through it.