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Dreamshaper!Felix drops on Beacon Hills
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"Ask Derek. He doesn't do anything like that anymore, though."


"I just might. How did the fight turn out? Are there causalities? Permanent damage? Is this kind of inter-pack conflict common?"


"It's not uncommon. I haven't faced another werewolf pack since then, but that's because they usually move around and share hunting grounds pretty fairly; there's usually enough food to go around."


"You didn't answer my other questions..." Felix points out wearily.


"It's been a while, about a year. Stuff like that happens all the time around here."


"Scott," Felix says smiling with a desperate edge to it, "how many of the teenagers that Derek recruited died? How many did he recruit?"


"Three, that way. One who wanted it desperately, and blackmailed him into getting it. He's alive, and so is one of the ones he targeted. I can't do anything about Boyd or Erica, anymore than I could when it happened."


Felix hugs himself.




"I suddenly regret being entertained by every bad masquerade-having story that I have ever read," Felix says with a tone is both self-deprecating and miserable.


"It's not that bad. We take care of each other." 


Felix takes a break from being shocked to give him a "Are you serious?" glare at Scott.


"I'm sorry. I don't know what you need me to say."


"I'm sorry. It's just that this place is fucked up in a way that sounds horrible to fix."


"It's not about fixing it. I don't have the power to do that, and it's a thorny situation. It's about keeping as many people alive and safe and happy as I can."


"I understand, and I am not even... advocating to do throw yourself at the problem without thinking, but it is a very problematic situation one that I am likely to be around to deal with in the following centuries."


"Centuries? Usually we plan based on years."


"Oh, I am going to plan more on years, but I am immortal so planning on centuries isn't completely invalid. But what I mean is that, this kind of secret will eventually come out and I am going to be around to deal with the aftermath anyway."


"I'm not immortal. If there's anything you think we can do to make change come more easily, I'm all ears."


"I would need more information. I suppose I could use my awesome conjuration abilities to bribe various packs into peaceful luxury or make ethical scientific experimentation with werewolves so the government and various organizations don't have to."


"Bribing packs might help, hunters would have less of an excuse then, and we could trust that the ones who keep going aren't in it to protect people."


"The hunters really bother me in this set up - too many red flags - but I could have ways to bribe them, at least I can offer alternatives to killing, equipment aimed for containment, prisons that can be designed around the concept of building budget."


"That might work. I'll ask Chris what he thinks."


"Please, thank you. Chris is a hunter?" Felix shuts up before asking how many people did he kill?


"Yeah. Chris Argent. Part of a family of hunters, though there aren't that many of them left, anymore."


"Should I meet him? How do you think he is going to react to me?" the supernatural being that he can't kill.


"He won't know what you are, but you're not a werewolf and I can vouch for you, it shouldn't be a problem." 

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