The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"Okay, so, we should probably check those if we can– do that relatively quickly? We don't know what it's up to, so, we might not want to delay much while it kills-or-whatever?"
"Quite, dearie. Would you be so kind as to use your superstrength and enhanced reflexes and balance to help me get a large pile of books?"
"Thank you kindly."
And she goes to the little door behind the counter that leads outside, opens it, and finds her way to her car (which was probably repositioned once she knew where the library was and about this entrance).
Lots of books! Lots of very heavy, very thick books! All of them weird and with ominous names, most in other languages!
Ooh, ominous names!
She helps to carry them all. Apparently the superstrength and balance and such are very helpful and she's– not that bad at dealing with it all, actually.
Eva places them down in an appropriate place or where guided to place them, then asks if there are any demons in particular that might take over or replace or mess with the behavior of humans, as opposed to devouring them or whatever.
"Several, each with their very particular ways of doing things. Given the way I heard the corpse was found, my hunch is that it was some form of parasitic demon."
"Depends on the demon. It could be draining the body's energy, using it to grow, eating it from the inside, maybe taking over people is part of its reproductive cycle."
"Presumably you don't know which books these are, or we could just– get more copies of it, see what's there, unless it takes too much time?"
"But in any case burying ourselves in books is probably the best way to figure out what demon it is and what to do about it."
She looks at the titles. "It seems like I might only be of use reading a couple of these, seeing as I don't take– Latin?"