The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"Catch-all term for everything that's sapient but not human. They're not universally unfriendly as the name implies but most of the ones who bother coming to our dimension are so it's easy to be racist."
She nods. "Okay, and– vampires? Those are a type of demon, right, since they're sapient and not human?"
"Yeah, those are universally evil, if you die with vamp blood in your system you become one, become dust in sunlight or when staked, allergic to holy symbols, superstrong, superfast, superagile, you as the Slayer probably would become a terrifying vampire, and also it's your job to hunt them and slay them."
"Some books say they can drink any mammal's blood but I'm not aware of any that do. They tend to lose all sense of empathy and morality when they lose their soul—by the way, they lose their soul when they become vampires."
"The good news is, now that you're here there'll probably be a Watcher and he'll have all sorts of books with more information that we crave!"
"...a female Watcher? Did the crinkly old British men decide to go progressive all of a sudden?"
"Yeah, just walk up to her and ask if she's a Watcher, if she acts confused we pretend it's a game or something."
"Okay," she says. "Um. – I should possibly do it myself if she expects me to be the Slayer, I'm not sure?"
"Yeah. Uh. I will go see her and text you guys if I'm going to be more than like five minutes, does that sound okay? And if she happens to be some evil mysterious demon or something and you don't get a response from me in the five minutes, you can come check to make sure I'm not being eaten or in the middle of some wonderful fight?" She blinks. "Uh, you'd need to know where I was for that, so– library."
She raises both eyebrows. "Isn't the librarian dead? ...she's the new librarian. There's a new librarian, okay, suspicious coincidence, the mysteriousness might be because she's a murderous demon, are you sure you don't want us with you?"
"Yeah, um. You could– stand outside the library? Maybe? Um. At that point I don't know if you might not as well just come with me, really."
"Is there a reason not to? I mean, maybe the Watcher won't tell the truth if the Slayer has other people with her, but..."
"I was originally thinking because I didn't want to go around saying 'by the way, the librarian might be a Watcher', since if she's not I don't know how that'd affect how you-or-whoever interact with her, but I've already done that so, nope, don't think there's a strong reason anymore." She shrugs. "Let's go, then?"