The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"I mean, yes, but– yeah, okay, nevermind." Shrug. "I think it's basically now testing magic on me and seeing what I can get rid of more easily then."
"I dunno? See if changing my skin color gets reversed more quickly than the hair dye and if the hair dye is consistent reversal across colors and if it's at all linked to the memory thing in how long it takes and if it varies with the weather?"
"Might vary with my mood or who does the magic or how much I like them or something, though, since it seems to have selectively removed and altered the dye to do this," he says, indicating his hair.
"Yeah? There was – the two memory things, the hair dye, and then just this burn and physical attack? I think?"
"Let's do two second, her first then me, keeping track of how long it takes to return this time."
He nods. "Gonna say anything for me to remember or just see how long it takes for me to report that I do?"
Nod. "Anything to do in the meantime or just wait? – Oh." He looks down at his 'injuries' again and notes the progress of the burn (slightly red, not really painful anymore) and the two bruises (the one Sadde inflicted slightly yellower than the other, neither really that bad).
"… None of them really seem that bad."