The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"I've seen burns on TV?" he says. "They don't usually heal as quickly as this. And I don't usually recover this quickly, I don't think." He frowns. "I'm not sure I've ever burnt myself before. Huh."
"So maybe you do usually recover this quickly, except for the vacuity of this statement due to it never having happened before."
"Yeah," he says. "I don't think I do, because I don't heal that much quicker than most people from cuts, but perhaps burns are special."
"Oh, right – I was just talking about recovering from injury in general. Which. I realize makes very little sense in context, okay, yeah anyway. Weird healing, cool."
"Uh, depends on what kind of a blast it is. If it's just gonna give me a nasty bruise, um, arm– uh, might work, or if it's going to knock me over then presumably my chest if it won't break bones?"
Ow. Well that's quite painful. "Okay, well, that definitely hurt so I didn't nullify it outright, woo."
He pulls up his sleeve. It does not appear to be bruised yet.
… Pretty soon it starts to go somewhat yellowish? Theo also notes that it's a little painful.
He rolls his eyes. "Yes, they do tend to be, and I was just confirming that this scenario does not seem to be different in that respect."