The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"Oh well why didn't you just say that?" he asks, smiling.
Does Sadde want a kiss? Is that what he's angling for, perhaps?
Theo will too!
It can last some time, but of course they don't want to be late for class.
So Theo pulls away and looks at– okay, who do you think it is, it's almost certainly Brad.
Got it in one! "I had some leftover, thought you'd enjoy it," he says.
Sadde looks at him, licks his lips... and shrugs. "Fruity, just like us."
Brad frowns.
"Who even uses the word 'fruit' anymore?" asks Theo, smirking a bit.
He's definitely angry, but it probably isn't really visible on his face.
"Okay, you got your joke across, now shoo along," says Sadde.
Which might not have been a good move, because Brad pushes him. "Who d'you think you are, telling me to 'shoo along'?"
He sure can! Sadde doesn't look too bothered, though, and Brad glares daggers at Theo. "Oh? Protecting your little boyfriend? Or is it girlfriend? Can't even make up its mind, can it?"
"Oh, but you sure like dicks, don't you?"
Sadde sporfles at this, dissolving into a fit of giggles. "Oh my god that was so bad!"
"I mean," says Theo, putting on a bit of an innocent look. "If you want, I guess I could try you out?"
Theo looks down at himself and asks, "Any chance your cleaning up skills apply to cleaning up others too?" Meaningful look.
"Of course. Uh, best if we do that in the locker room, though, making the juice just disappear takes more, heh, juice than just making it go away on its merry way."
"Required part of the process or because you want to flaunt stuff?" asks Theo, trying to smirk a little.
He smirks and then is naked. "I don't need an excuse to flaunt stuff to you," he says, and starts whispering in Latin. The juice on his body starts dripping and sliding down his body much faster than it otherwise might.
By then Sadde is juiceless and is unjuicing his clothes. That goes faster, and then it's Theo's turn! feels very peculiar. Like the liquid had a mind of its own and was making its way on purpose.
And eventually they're both clean!
...and naked. Sadde eyes him, smirks, but starts putting his clothes back on, because this is a school.