The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"I was actually fine last night, fortunately enough!" she says with a smile, then it falters a bit.
Only temporarily, because then her smile is back, similar to how it was before.
Norma doesn't comment. "I'm happy for you, dear. If you ever want to talk about anything, feel free to find me, I'm a very good ear."
And then they are at the library! "Here it is," says Eva. "Oh – I'm Eva, by the way."
Eva smiles. "Well, I guess I'll see you around, then," she says. "It was nice to meet you."
And then off to class she goes.
She indeed does! It's very mathy. Lots of fun bits of… trig and whatever.
Then afterwards, Eva has History! Theo and Sadde have English.
"… We could go there now," suggests Theo. "I'm not sure how busy it is around the gym – any idea?"
"Where's his office then? Is it anywhere near the gym, or is it by the staff room, or what? Last period today sounds good in that case, though."
He nods. "Okay, but problem is – we have class? How long will it take, like, should I see if I can give myself a nosebleed and then hope it heals quickly or something? … Or just ask to go to the bathroom. That sounds probably better."
"Okay," he says. "That sounds like it'll work, then. Any idea how long it'll take, though…?"