The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"I-it shouldn't be hard to find, these books are usually big and ugly and attention-grabbing."
"Yeah, makes sense," says Theo. "Unless the librarian had some sort of hidden room for occult books, which, I don't know how likely that is?"
"He never seemed interested in all the weird books I used to check out but that might be because he was already used to dealing with it."
They are! Then they pay and – "So, now is when Willow goes and gets the address? Do you need to be on school grounds for that, or…?"
"I just need a computer and internet access, but maybe we should first find Norma and tell her about it?"
"Yeah, probably a good idea? Uh, did she say where she was going to be or are we just hoping she stereotypically lives in the library or something?"
"We said we'd meet up after eating but didn't say where, so presumably the library, I guess."
"So that's probably a no to the meeting back at the library thing? Unless she happens to mysteriously appear here, since she's apparently a mysterious Watcher or whatever?"
So she starts leading them out to the place.
"By the way, dearie, have you gotten a crucifix yet?" she asks Eva. "I presume you three already have one."
"Yes, that is indeed why. We'll arm you fully tomorrow, but for now," and she reaches inside her purse for one of the crucifix-stakes. "When you stake a vampire, pull the stake before it turns to dust or the stake turns with it."