The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
They can spend quite a while like this!
"You know, it occurs to me that we might find the relevant books in the ex-librarian's house..."
"I think I'm gonna agree with Willow here and say yes, but I mean, I get that it's also different because ex-demon and ex-victim-of-demon or whatever."
"Various forms of combat, a general education in mythology and demons, how to best use different kinds of tools and weapons..."
"More like crossbows, I don't think there are any known demons with a weakness to bullets. Perhaps one with a weakness to iron..."
"Untrained Slayer," says the Slayer. "Who doesn't have much of an idea about actually fighting vampires on account of never having actually fought a vampire before."
"Fighting vampires is for the most part an instinct, you will find. They get an instinct for eating humans, you get an instinct for fighting them. Unless you find an experienced one or are ganged up on by several of them, it shouldn't be a problem." She reaches below her counter for a box and puts it on the counter. "Besides, we have toys."
She opens the box. Stakes (very sharp ones), crossbows, a gallon of holy water, water pistols, crosses in a variety of shapes and sizes, crosses-that-are-stakes, crosses that can squirt water, crossbows that shoot tiny stakes that are shaped like crosses, crossbows that shoot tiny stakes that are shaped like crosses and also squirt water...