The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"She doesn't seem evil or anything," says Eva. "She's kinda… focused on herself, yeah, but I don't think she's really all that mean? At least, usually?"
Eva laughs a bit incredulously. "I mean, for starters why is that the thing you think about for evil, second are you sure, and third I would be seriously worried if she did."
"There's a species of demons that feeds on kittens! ...they're not one of the evil ones, though, they just have a very specific diet."
"Okay, so– I should probably go do that then? With one of you magic people backing me up. Sadde?"