The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
The following day there is: school!
Sadde and Willow are already there, sitting on a bench chatting.
"And you can't just kill it with fire or something? Because that'd be really neat if you could. A fire. From very far away."
"It'd be nice if I were one of those," he sighs. "Or got it on my half-demon thing or whatever. But okay. Blood of the summoner, iron blade, stab it while it's not in someone's body – and get it out of the gym teacher's body somehow – ugh."
"You don't know that you aren't," she points out. "As far as you know, maybe being beheaded's just a minor setback."
"It's possible to attract the demon out of its current host's body if you lead it to believe that your body will be more likely to interact with other bodies..."
"Yeah, but I mean it'd be nice to know that I was one if I were one. And, uh, I think a gym teacher probably interacts with a lot of other people? I'm not really sure how to make it think I'd interact with more, unless it'd prefer interaction that involves touch, since a gym teacher probably doesn't actually physically touch that many people in a day?"
"Okay, so, it'd probably prefer to try to grab me especially if I mentioned going to a party or something? And also the fact that there are a lot of kids in the halls between class? But I'm not sure how I'd go about hinting that it should try to grab me or whoever's being all self-sacrificing and is hopefully ready with the blade without, you know, it being obvious that I'm hinting that?"
"I should probably do it anyway," says Eva, "because, you know, Slayer powers and stuff, so I'm probably going to be faster with the blade? And it might just do it anyway if I spoke to the gym teacher alone in his office or something?"
"If you can convince it and are sure you can deal," Norma says, sounding uncertain. "Perhaps someone who can do magic," she glances at Sadde and Willow, "should wait outside. As well as myself."
"Should we do that tomorrow, then? But I don't actually, you know, know what to say to convince it."
"I mean, I don't know whether to outright tell it I'd be better for interacting with people and trying to get it to decide to attack me that way, or whether to try to drop subtle hints, or what."
"Way it was acting, you might casually walk up to it and go, 'Oh, it's so hard being a student with a very active social life who sees other students and lots of people all the time...'"
"Okay, so, not-so-subtle hints." Nod. "Cool. Anyone got an iron blade then or do we need to go shopping at some point in the near future?"
Norma wordlessly reaches under the counter again for a briefcase, this one with an array of objects to kill things with, very neatly organized. She finds a blade about as long as her forearm, then says, "This will probably do."
"It was in the morgue last night, I don't know how long it spends there before being buried usually..."
Nod. "That's probably for the best," says Theo. Shrug. "Wouldn't want to worry them unduly."