"Please stop following me," she says. The kid hasn't listened so far, but hope springs eternal, right?
no not that iomedae. i mean like cosmically kind of the same iomedae but they're different iomedaes
"You have the forestry skills of a tuna," Aḥyl marvels. "How'd you make it this far south in the first place?"
"I walked in a random direction with a pack full of garbage. Then I was caught in a blizzard, fell unconscious, and woke up in a caravan. They saw the sword and thought I might make a decent guard if they thawed me."
"First: why aren't we traveling with a caravan now? Second: were you any good?"
"First: I want to be an awful hermit for the rest of my life and it seems like that would interfere. I put up with you because you won't leave. Second: gods no. But it turns out that having a big shiny sword and arms like a blacksmith is a good half of the job, and the rest I could pick up en route."
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