"Please stop following me," she says. The kid hasn't listened so far, but hope springs eternal, right?
The sudden need to do this rushes through her, leaving her half-nauseous in its wake. "You'll come with me, then."
"If I didn't want a good fight I wouldn't have come along in the first place."
"Finish your breakfast and come along, then. We need to go up the coast through the mountains - and I'll carry you on my back if I have to."
Well she's not getting back to sleep. Maybe she'll take another fishing-bath.
The bath helps her wake up properly. She likes the water. Father used to call her "little nixie", and when she learned what nixie meant she went and fished up a load of pondweed and made herself a crown of it, so she could be a proper one. Her father laughed and laughed. Then her crown turned out to be full of baby leeches, and they had to bleach her hair and shave it off.
It was worth it, obviously. She'd never seen him laugh so hard. And he'd held her and sung the whole time while they took her hair, and it almost made up for the trouble.
She's going to kill every orc in whatever cave sent them for him.
The thing will give her magic! She can use it to cast spells! Many of the spells will slightly improve her sword! Or heal people! Or create pure water like how priests do! Or make enemies want to fight her instead of Aḥyl!
She's not your dancing monkey. She is here to kill things. Sword blessing and restoration, please.
She returns to camp. She didn't catch any fish this time. It's fine; she and Aḥyl are both remarkably good at hunting.
Footprod. "Wake up, I have magic."
Long-distance travel on foot is really unpleasant.
Aḥyl knows how to make soap, which helps them not smell like shit. It always smells faintly meaty even when he adds a bunch of crushed flower juice to it, which is annoying. After about a week of not actually needing to fight anything more threatening than a grizzly bear, and a mention from the tiny alchemist that he can't really ferment wine on the go, Beða (with bad grace) swaps her sword-enhancement for the water spell. The restoration stays.
There's a lot of trudging. There's enough edible greenery and fresh berries at first to break up the endless venison (and occasional bear), but as they enter the mountains it gets sparser and sparser. Aḥyl dries a supply of berries and a few full-sized fruits, and they can gnaw on them, strictly rationed, until they get where they're going.