Eventually they get back to Theo's place, and Tyler walks in through the door, and then he proceeds to stand at the edge of the room.
It seems like he's doing this a lot right now.
He sighs.
"Wind, do my bidding," he tries.
He doesn't seem to think it's very likely it'll work.
So he tries it again, and this time he actually seems to mean it some more!
"Wind, do my bidding," he says. He doesn't say it particularly forcefully, though, because he doesn't know how strongly it'll act, and maybe it depends on how forcefully he says it.
Yes. Definitely a bit of a breeze. "Okay, if it was that easy all along I am going to kick myself so hard. Wind, do my bidding!" More breeze.
"I don't know?" he says. "… I hope Kero doesn't have some sort of 'curiosity suppression field'. That'd be annoying."
"And if you didn't try anything at all you shouldn't beat yourself up for not having tried this specific thing."
And presently they have arrived.
"A phrase in Latin that means 'wind, do my bidding', since that's the only thing we have confirmed to work so far – I think you said you just did words?"