"Aren't you magically fascinating. Now I just have to figure out why you don't roll out into the surrounding forest."
Kanim puts the poof down again and decides to track its behavior until the children want to leave.
"Yes I am," says Ike. He is lying on the cave floor with his face near the little pool made by the spring, watching tiny cave ducks paddle around followed by their teeny tiny offspring.
The blue poof hops onto Ike's head, whmmms in his ear, and rolls away toward the blueberry spring.
The blue poof hops onto Ike's head, whmmms in his ear, and rolls away toward the blueberry spring.
The poof drinks from the blueberry spring.
"Hi!" says Tanalin. "Learn anything interesting yet?"
"Hi!" says Tanalin. "Learn anything interesting yet?"
"The anti-injury field comes from the crystals, and also the poofs, especially when they glow."
"That sounds perfect!"
The poof rolls up to her and whmms, so she cuddles it in her lap with the pink fluffbat.
The poof rolls up to her and whmms, so she cuddles it in her lap with the pink fluffbat.
"Certainly does." If she's going to be occupying that poof for a while he can't really study its natural behavior, can he. Instead he goes to sit by the cave exit and watch animals failing to leave it.