"Okay. That's an imperfect substitute and requires a cooperative channel to be handy - Rose is the original Bell enchantress and she can enchant through her husband at range, but she's the only one with that trick down, she had to be really familiar with his mindscape and do enchantment-style mindreading for a long time first."
"Good, I was worried I was going to be stuck with nothing, you're a wizard and you're a witch but I'm just a space admiral," grumbles Aegis.
"Speaking of being a witch, I'm not a human," says Amariah, flaring aura briefly - just long enough to wonder if that's a good idea and change her mind. "On my world besides humans there's witches, like me, and we can do some magic. It's ritual-based. Poetry, some materials - thank goddesses all I have my cornucopia on me, although I guess the cornucopia's a separate question - occasional animal sacrifice, drawing runes on things. Motion, for a few spells."
"Usual caveats but I'd expect your racial traits to be intact. There are all different kinds of people with all different associated powers and characteristics." Aether gestures at Celo. "Tell me about the cornucopia."
Amariah fishes it out from where it's hung by its twist of silk under her outfit. "It's this thing - Matilda made a bunch of them, mostly for Shell Bell, but I took one home because it's useful for generating spell components. If I name something edible - it won't do poisons, but I usually can work around that - then it'll appear it for me. If it matters, Matilda was the first person in her world to have magic."
"...If I heard of a local magic item that did that I would expect the conjured stuff to be temporary. Yours might fall in line with that rule. I don't know if that'll affect your spells. You shouldn't try to live on food it makes. It probably won't blow up in your face, especially if you've had it for a while."
Aegis holds up a hand in the middle, when Aether's summarizing subtle arts. "Wait, I thought of something more urgent. A lot of Bells have some form or another of native mental opacity. We're some of those, all in different ways. What should we expect?"
"Uh, I have that," says Aether. "I'm a naturally defensive subtle artist. I'm not all-powerful. A stronger artist can break my shielding. It doesn't affect anything else besides subtle arts, either, I can be just as easily affected by a mind-affecting arcane or divine spell or by racial traits or whatever as anyone else. You're probably all better protected than some random person, but you shouldn't expect to defy dragon will or countermand divine orders or whatever it is you people usually do with your time."
"Alethia had a god," snorts Amariah. "He shriveled up to next to nothing and I wouldn't call him that anymore. And he had a right-hand angel, and he presented more of a problem, but that didn't stop me from gutting him."
"Okay, look, Celo's one thing, but don't say that kind of shit in front of anybody else who practices divine magic or is really religious or - you know what, just don't say it in front of anybody who's not in this room," says Aether.
"Long as we're still safe in this room, my world has some ineffective sorta-okay-ish gods and one evil one," volunteers Cam. "I haven't taken on the evil one yet, but it's on the list, should I also be careful talking about that?"
"Nothing Peacewise. Unless you count Jane." Aegis takes her earpiece out of her ear and looks at it sadly.
"Okay, well, I can only imagine what it must be like to grow up with no gods - but here they exist, and they are very powerful, and we don't even spend too long speculating about taking their jobs or giving them pieces of our minds or gutting their servants."
"Who's Callahan?" asks Jellybean.
"She's my favourite martial combat teacher, and - " he gestures helplessly to Aether, "what's safe to say to these guys that won't have them running off to intimidate her or something? I don't wanna get your nice extraplanar selves killed."
"Uh," Aether squirms. "...I cannot disclose the details, for which I am extremely sorry, but I have reason to suspect that Callahan falls into the category of something big, and I doubt any of us would get along with her on a personal level, so avoiding her is probably a good strategy?"
"What kinda powers does she have, and if she has such powers why is she a schoolteacher?"
"I don't know if she can kill you or not, and I'm the local expert, right, that should at least give you serious pause if you're used to gallivanting around with invulnerable immortality, right, surviving assassination attempts and taking over worlds and so on - do you have no self-preservation instinct at all? - do not fuck with Callahan, please, please."