Neckrubs become a more regular part of Bella's life. And she does not tell him to stop until she is good and done. There is hugging. There is snuggling. There is kissing. There are some impressively sappy looks from his end, some fascinated mindreading from hers. The semester wraps up, Bella goes home for a week, and she comes back (now signed up for Utility Psionics 2, Intro to Mental Healing, Arcane Defense, Intro Cognition, and her survival credit, a lecture entitled "Wilderness Triage" (subtitled: Quick And Dirty Mechanisms For Identifying The Lesser Of Several Evils).
She missed Celo! She seeks him out at once. Hugs.
She missed Celo! She seeks him out at once. Hugs.
It is important to be location-appropriate. There was an Explanation about this.
I missed you. How was your intersession?
I missed you. How was your intersession?
He steps back far enough to show off his new dagger without taking an undue risk of stabbing her with it.
It's of dwarven make, a simple, clean design with a few discreet jewels set where they do the most good, the blade long and straight and sharp with a short, strong point. It looks efficient. Also expensive.
It's of dwarven make, a simple, clean design with a few discreet jewels set where they do the most good, the blade long and straight and sharp with a short, strong point. It looks efficient. Also expensive.
"Shiny. Uh, I know the city pays your tuition, but that looks shiny enough to be kinda extracurricular."
"I'll be okay. I hate thinking about nasty social institutions I can't change, though."
Bella spent much of her break practicing telekinesis - she's not much stronger than she was, but she's been playing with various common objects and knows where to apply her light taps of force to get them to behave.
She can close a well-hinged door from a flumphed position across the room, and if she really stares it down, she can latch it.
Bella spent much of her break practicing telekinesis - she's not much stronger than she was, but she's been playing with various common objects and knows where to apply her light taps of force to get them to behave.
She can close a well-hinged door from a flumphed position across the room, and if she really stares it down, she can latch it.