"Can I take a couple for later? I get munchy around an hour before bedtime and the vending cabinets are highway robbery."
"Did you advertise that they're for sharing?" Bella asks, forming a stack of six of them.
Bella rolls her eyes. She tucks her homework under her arm and holds her stack of half a dozen cookies. "Well, more for us, then. Thanks. I'll tell anyone who asks me where I got these."
"I might come back for more kinds and I wish you'd warned me before I ate three of these," she says. "No blowing me kisses, please, that's weird."
Bella goes off with her cookies and does homework in her room with the door open. She goes back into the kitchen an hour later.
"Uh, Miki or Corrine?" asks Bella, trying to remember girls from the end of the hall who she'd describe as nice.
"Corrine," identifies Bella. She has taken discreet notes on her hallmates. "These are all really good, I'm having trouble imagining you actually need any of your domestic studies classes right now."
"These cookies," Bella determines curiously, after going back for a second lemon one, "are not vegan, either that or you loaded them up with some serious magic. I thought nymphs were vegans? Is that a myth?"