"I just live at Cedar Hills - I tried to foster with Delilah here when I was little but the singing all the time even on through the night was unbearable; I was used to the quiet at Sinai or at least the bustle of Father's workshop. So, Cedar Hills. And I do - angel things." She shrugs. "Father thinks I must have an imagination somewhere but he's given up on finding it, I think."
"Father's an engineer, and he's fascinated by problems, and he has a - Mother calls it zest for life. And he is very intense about our family. He and Mother thought for a while that they wouldn't be able to get married, before they knew about Jovah, before they knew Delilah would be Archangel again, before they knew that Jovah was trying to name Father Mother's angelico but couldn't because of his broken Kiss. And they didn't like that, and then they could after all, and he's still glad about it."