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"Okay, so if the Jokers scare them off next time we're in eyeshot we can chase them," Cam tells Amariah.


Kas giggles softly. His ghostly friends cluster closer.


Ghosty observes through the link that she is still tracking this harpy, and should she find the rest of them instead?


If she could direct them to the harpy, that would be swell.


Fuck if she knows where they are.


Kas asks his alethiometer for directions to the nearest harpy.


And the party all follows its lead.


The nearest harpy, it turns out, has several friends.

Cam holds up a hand for everyone to stop.

He approaches a little nearer, just within shouting distance.

He flares aura, brightly, brightly.

The harpies—there are five—circle warily.


"Can we talk?" Cam calls. "No screeching, just talking?"


"Go ahead and talk," a harpy calls back derisively.


"I want to know why you hurt the shades here," Cam says. "And see if we can come up with a compromise that doesn't involve that."

"We like to," says a harpy.

"They deserve it," says another.

"It's food for us," says a third.
Cam glances at his alethiometer.

"This truth-telling device says you hunger for truth," he tells them. "Not all truth is about bad things people have done."
"Isn't it?"

"Then why is that all we see?"

"And all they see—"

"—after a while!"

The harpies cackle.

"Because you are doing screamy-magic at them," says Cam, "that brings it to the surface. One of the other harpies met one of our friends, and screamed at her, but if she'd just talked to her nicely Shell Bell could have told her all sorts of true things about her life, and the things she's seen."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Like what?"
"Shell Bell was born in a place called District Three, in Panem," begins Cam. "In another world. With her mother Ranae and her father Shark. And he was a fisherman and she was a teacher and Shell Bell decided that when she grew up, she was going to be a clammer."

He pauses to gauge harpy reaction.

"Why should we care?"


"Why didn't that help?" Cam mutters to the alethiometer.


"It was not yours," the alethiometer replies.

"All right then," he murmurs, and then he leans on his perfect recall and starts telling them about his own life, instead.

"I was born in a little town called Forks, but when my mother left my father - they get along fine, they just didn't belong married - I moved with her to Phoenix, and lived with my dad summers. I had to go to school, which was all right but not very interesting, till I was fourteen, and I found a certain book in the library."

The harpies circle slower, and closer.


"And this book was titled So You Want To Be A Wizard. It sounded like it would be fun. Fiction. I checked it out and I brought it home and I started reading it, and it turned out to be a manual. I didn't know it was real, but it was interesting, so I pretended, and I said the Wizard's Oath. In Life's name, and for Life's sake, I say that I will use the Art for nothing but the service of that Life. I will guard growth and ease pain. I will fight to preserve what grows and lives well in its own way; and I will change no object or creature unless its growth and life, or that of the system of which it is part, is threatened or threatens another. To these ends, in the practice of my Art, I will put aside fear for courage, and death for life, when it is right to do so—till Universe's end."

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