Kas watches it in fascination.
"The afterlife is where all the dead are," says the alethiometer. Kas snorts.
"That's the same way of saying 'hurt' it's been using all this time," Kas contributes.
"What inhabits the afterlife and causes suffering is not dead," says the alethiometer.
"What exactly are you getting from all this?" wonders Kas.
"Not much," Cam tells Kas. And to the alethiometer: "What knowledge does it have?"
The alethiometer repeats, "Knowledge." Kas frowns.
To the alethiometer: "What truth does it seek?"
Meanwhile, the alethiometer is repeating itself again: "It hungers for truth."
"I didn't know this thing had a word for your kind of wizard," Kas comments.
"I didn't hear it talk about wizards - did it?" And to the alethiometer: "Me, or the others like me too?"
"If I'd asked it that question, I might've said it answered, 'Cam can do that'," says Kas. "But it doesn't talk about people by name; it talks about them by who they are. And it talked about you by you being a wizard. Why, is that important?"
"Maybe. I mean, something is hungering for truth, maybe only wizards can talk to it, maybe we should bring Tilly and Jellybean, but on the other hand maybe it's calling me a wizard to tell me apart from Amariah and Shell Bell and the key thing is my truthy aura and we should bring Elspeth," says Cam. "For that matter, I'm getting sufficient heebie-jeebies around this that maybe we should borrow Mary from Stella, or Alice from Golden."
Cam hands Kas his, and takes the other, which he asks: "Are wizards particularly helpful for the thing in the afterlife that hungers for truth?"
"It called you a wizard again," says Kas, who is watching Cam instead of questioning his own.
Through Jane: [Hey Jellybean, want to wish upon a star and come be in Alethia so the alethiometer can 'see' more than one wizard?]
And a similar invitation to Elspeth.
"Are wizards, like the self-defining over here, a source of truth like what the thing in the afterlife wants?"